Smoothie Mix Tuesdays!By SmartfruitBlogAugust 29, 2017#Cocktail #Watermelon #Mango #Coconut Smoothie Mix Tuesdays! Feeling Thirsty? Why not try our refreshing 100% natural fruit blend Smoothie Mix. Make every beverage, mixed smoothie, shake, cocktail and dessert into an irresistible creation. Each Smoothie Mix comes with their own irresistible. ...
Fruit Cocktail MondaysBy SmartfruitBlogAugust 28, 2017#Cocktail #Alcohol #Harmony #papaya #Pineapple Fruit Cocktail Mondays! Here is a Tropical cocktail recipe that quenches your thirst, made with 100% fruit cocktail mix. Most cocktail mixes contain little fruit and plenty of added sugars. This cocktail recipe is made with a cocktail mix that contains 100% tropical ...
Happy detox MondayBy SmartfruitBlogAugust 28, 2017#Juice #Kale #Spinach #PeanutButter #Almond Happy Detox Monday! After a good weekend why not Detox your body with this 100% fruit and veggies blend. We’ve packed every bottle with dark green leafy powerhouses like Kale and Spinach. Then we coupled the greens Apples, Kiwis, Pineapples, Bananas and Lemongrass for ...
Mellow Madness Vegan ParfaitBy SmartfruitBlogAugust 22, 2017#Parfait #Mango #Almond #Granola #Acai Mellow Madness Vegan Parfait Treat Your body the right way and start to feel refreshed and replenished with this all-natural energizing wholesome parfait. This parfait is loaded with all-natural goodness and is a perfect clean eating snack. Made with Smartfruit Mellow ...
Mellow Mango Pancake TuesdayBy SmartfruitBlogAugust 21, 2017#BakedGoods #Pancake #Vanilla #Strawberry #Mango Mellow Mango Pancake Tuesday! Why not start off the day right with a nice stack of strawberry mango pancakes that will lift up your Monday spirit! Cooked in coconut spread on a layer with bananas made with 100% All-Natural products and GMO free that will surely put you ...
Fruity Harvest Greens ParfaitBy SmartfruitBlogAugust 21, 2017#Parfait #Granola #Grape #Coconut #Watermelon #Cucumber Fruity Harvest Greens Parfait This fruity and Smartfruit Harvest Greens parfait will keep you going throughout the day no matter what happens. This parfait recipe is infused with the detoxifying power of green matcha tea and Smartfruit Harvest Greens vegetable smoothie ...
Superfruit All Star TeaBy SmartfruitBlogAugust 20, 2017#Tea #Raspberry #Acai #Goji Superfruit All Star Tea Feel rejuvenated and revitalized with this perfectly refreshing beverage that will keep you hydrated, and energized. With Fall just around the corner it’s time to get our tea fix ready. Made with Smartfruit Superfruit All-Stars Smoothie ...
Turmeric-based parfaitBy SmartfruitBlogAugust 20, 2017#Parfait #Granola #Chocolate #PeanutButter #Grape Turmeric-based parfait This warm and cozy spice, combined with creamy soy milk, Smartfruit Tropical Harmony makes these oats so delicious. Tropically cultivated this parfait is packed full of essential daily nutrients and goodness. Infused with Smartfruit Tropical ...
Honey Cashew Smoothie Bowl Made With Smoothie MixBy SmartfruitBlogAugust 19, 2017#Bowl #Banana #Coconut #Pineapple #Cashew Honey Cashew Smoothie Bowl Made With Smoothie Mix This clean eating bowl is the perfect afternoon snack to boost you right up around that 3pm work day daily slump. All natural and wholesome this bowl is very easy to create and bring on the go whatever your ...
Strawberry Froyo Made with Smoothie MixBy SmartfruitBlogAugust 19, 2017#Froyo #Strawberry #Vanilla #Coconut Strawberry Froyo Made with Smoothie Mix Freshen up your Froyo this weekend by adding some Smartfruit Summer Strawberry into the mix. This Smoothie Mix is the perfect combination for adding flavor to your treats whilst remaining sugar free. All Smartfruit products ...
Matcha Infused All-Star ParfaitBy SmartfruitBlogAugust 24, 2017#Parfait #Kiwi #Granola #PeanutButter #Cashew Matcha Infused All-Star Parfait We love layers! Especially when those layers include Smartfruit Harvest Greens, granola and coconut yogurt. Made with one of the most delicious Smartfruit blends the Smartfruit Superfruit All-Stars is boosted with natural antioxidants ...
Banana Chai Tea Made With Smoothie MixBy SmartfruitAugust 18, 2017#Tea #Cinnamon #Banana #Walnut Banana Chai Tea Made With Smoothie Mix Being healthy? Why not try this Smartfruit recipe and replace your coffee or tea with this Banana chia tea infused with Smartfruit Sunny Banana. Every bottle of Smartfruit Sunny Banana fruit blend contains a whole bunch of rich ...
Strawberry French Toast made with Smoothie MixBy SmartfruitBlogAugust 16, 2017#BakedGoods #Toast #Strawberry #Egg #Yogurt Strawberry French Toast Made with Smoothie Mix Morning Madness! Flavor up your Wednesday morning with this wholesome tasty new recipe from Smartfruit. Helping you feel happy and healthy on this hump day, This French toast is to die for. Made with 100% all-natural products ...
All-Star Smoothie BowlBy SmartfruitBlogAugust 18, 2017#Bowl #Banana #Strawberry #blueberry #Almond All-Star Smoothie Bowl This blissful creation is not just pretty, but also healthy and super yummy. Made with Superfruit All-Stars Smoothie Mix, and the freshest fruit this smoothie bowl is the perfect combination for that lunchtime treat. All natural and wholesome ...
Peanut Butter Banana BreakfastBy SmartfruitBlogAugust 17, 2017#BakesGoods #PeanutButter #Banana #Granola Peanut Butter Banana Breakfast Treat yourself to some all-natural flavorsome goodness. With Smartfruit Peanut Butter Omega on your morning toast, your taste buds will be dancing. Smartfruit Peanut Butter Omega is an all-natural delicious protein filled snack which helps ...
All-Star Fruit Bowl Made with Smoothie MixBy SmartfruitBlogAugust 17, 2017#Bowl #Strawberry #Granola #Yogurt All-Star Fruit Bowl Made with Smoothie Mix Looking for the perfect snack that will fuel your body with all-natural energy and won’t set you back? Look no further, this smoothie bowl is packed with a Smartfruit All-Stars flavor and topped with simple delights to ...