Vegan Banana EggnogBy SmartfruitDecember 5, 2018#BakedGoods #Cinnamon #Banana #Cashew #Oatfiber ✻ Vegan Banana Eggnog We’ve been asked many times this month if we could come up with an eggnog vegan recipe. You asked, we listened. Here’s a delicious Natural Juice Mix Vegan Banana Eggnog recipe that’ll blow your mind away (this recipe of course ...
Mellow Mango parfaitBy SmartfruitMay 16, 2018#Parfait #Mango #Blueberry #Coconut #Milk #Tea #Cashew #PeanutButter ✻ Mellow Mango parfait Happy Wednesday everyone! Being that the weather in NYC has been too crazy lately, we decided to give you a delicious Smartfruit Mellow Mango Parfait recipe to cheer you up. Each Smartfruit Mellow Mango Parfait is carefully selected and blended ...
Banana Chia PuddingBy SmartfruitApril 18, 2018#Parfait #Strawberry #Banana #Granola #Cashew ✻ Banana Chia Pudding Happy Wednesday guys! It’s almost the end of another working week so why not celebrate with a delicious Natural Syrup Banana Chia Pudding for those of us who are true addicts to Parfaits. our Natural Syrup Banana Chia Pudding is carefully ...
Honey Cashew Smoothie Bowl Made With Smoothie MixBy SmartfruitBlogAugust 19, 2017#Bowl #Banana #Coconut #Pineapple #Cashew Honey Cashew Smoothie Bowl Made With Smoothie Mix This clean eating bowl is the perfect afternoon snack to boost you right up around that 3pm work day daily slump. All natural and wholesome this bowl is very easy to create and bring on the go whatever your ...
Matcha Infused All-Star ParfaitBy SmartfruitBlogAugust 24, 2017#Parfait #Kiwi #Granola #PeanutButter #Cashew Matcha Infused All-Star Parfait We love layers! Especially when those layers include Smartfruit Harvest Greens, granola and coconut yogurt. Made with one of the most delicious Smartfruit blends the Smartfruit Superfruit All-Stars is boosted with natural antioxidants ...
Tropical Chia Parfait RecipeBy SmartfruitBlogDecember 21, 2016#Parfait #Cashew #Coconut #Almond #Peach Tropical Chia Parfait Recipe Looking for a healthy chia based snack? Made with fresh ingredients that incorporate natural fruit syrup and Aloe to give your body a boost, this tropical chia parfait recipe using Smartfruit's Tropical Harmony will give your ...
Blooming Berry Ice Cream Cupcakes Made with Smoothie MixBy SmartfruitBlogJanuary 13, 2017#IceCream #BloomingBerry #Milk #Coconut #Cashew Blooming Berry Ice Cream Cupcakes Made with Smoothie Mix A practically guilt free, homemade ice cream cupcake filled with the power of natural and wholesome ingredients. This frozen treat is clean eating at its finest! It’s homemade so you don’t have to worry about ...