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The Smartfruit Blog contains recipes and information about our products! This is a place for smoothie mix enthusiasts to share recipes, pictures and articles about the products they enjoy.

Harvest Greens Parfait

Harvest Greens Parfait

By Smartfruit
✻ Harvest Greens Parfait   Happy Monday everyone! The previous parfait recipes contained relatively numerous ingredients that could take you some time to make if you’re in a rush. Luckily for you, here’s a delicious Real Fruit Purees Harvest Greens Parfait that’ll ...
Harvest Reds Detox Juice

Harvest Reds Detox Juice

By Smartfruit
✻ Harvest Reds Detox Juice     Let’s end your week right with this delicious Fruit Flavoring Harvest Reds Detox Juice. Detox your body with this 100% fruit and veggies blend. Our Fruit Flavoring Harvest Reds Detox Juice is a groundbreaking “being Healthy never ...
Bergamot Passion Tea

Bergamot Passion Tea

By Smartfruit
✻ Bergamot Passion Tea     Happy Monday guys! Being that May is right around the corner, we’d like to give you a simple but delicious Crushed Fruit Mix Bergamot Passion Tea. Quintessentially a black British tea that is flavored with oil from the rind of bergamot ...
Italian SmartSoda

Italian SmartSoda

By SmartfruitBlog
✻ Italian SmartSoda   If you own a soda machine or just enjoy soda water and are looking for new recipes to make drinks, try old fashion Italian Soda which is always in trend. Our Smartfruit products could be a great alternative for the sugary syrups that are out there. ...

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