SpinaChia Smoothie By SmartfruitJuly 30, 20180 Back to Home ✻ SpinaChia Smoothie It’s challenging enough waking up on a warm summer Monday morning, but having to make breakfast is the last thing you want to do, especially if you’re running late. So, we decided to kick start your morning with a delicious Cleansing SpinaChia Smoothie recipe that is easy to make and also healthy for you. Each Cleansing SpinaChia Smoothie is packed with dark green leafy powerhouse like kale and Spinach. Then we coupled the greens with Apples, Kiwis, Pineapples, Bananas, and Lemongrass for a vibrant interplay of dueling sweet and tart flavors. Lastly, we boosted this Cleansing SpinaChia Smoothie with a lovely medley of Spirulina, a superfood heavyweight that acts as a powerful detoxifier rich in chlorophyll, protein, vitamins and fatty acids. 📝Ingredients: 1 Frozen Banana 1 cup Fresh Spinach 2 tsp Chia Seeds 3 oz Vanilla Oat Milk 1 cup Crushed Ice 4 oz Smartfruit Harvest Greens (Kale, Spinach, Cucumber, Lemongrass, Apple, Kiwi, Spirulina) 🍶 Preparation: Add all ingredients into a blender jar and blend until smooth. Back to Home #smoothie #Vanilla #Apple #Kiwi #Spirulina #Pineapple #Banana