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Tropical Chia Parfait Recipe

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Tropical Chia Parfait Recipe

Tropical Chia Parfait Recipe


Looking for a healthy chia based snack?


Made with fresh ingredients that incorporate natural fruit syrup and Aloe to give your body a boost, this tropical chia parfait recipe using Smartfruit's Tropical Harmony will give your body the jump start it needs while satisfying your sweet tooth!


 Here’s how to Whip up a batch of Smartfruit’s Tropical Harmony Chia Parfait


📝 Tropical Chia Parfait Ingredients (use proportionally to size of jar):


📝 Ingredients for Cashew Almond Bliss ball (Vegan)

  • Cashews
  • Pitted dates
  • Coconut oil
  • Cacao powder
  • Protein powder
  • Chia seeds


   🍶 Tropical Chia Parfait Recipe Preparation:

  1. Let’s start out by making the Cashew Almond Bliss balls. Put all ingredients for Bliss balls into a food processor, blend until smooth. Roll into little balls and refrigerate.
  2. In a separate bowl soak Chia seeds, coconut shreds, and cocoa nibs,in Smartfruit Tropical Harmony. While the chia seeds are soaking make your peach almond milk yogurt. Blend peaches, almond milk, and your favorite yogurt. (Coconut or Almond based for Vegan Variation) Set aside.
  3. You are now ready to construct your parfait. Grab your jar or favorite parfait dish and add a generous layer of the Smartfruit Tropical Harmony and chia seed mixture
  4. Next add a layer of the peach yogurt concoction and top with purple corn flakes or a cereal of your choice
  5. Repeat the first two layers (Smartfruit mixture followed by peach yogurt)
  6. Top your parfait with coconut shreds, mini marshmallows, the Cherry Square Organics bar, a sprinkle of grain free granola, a few popcorn kernels, and don’t forget to add one of the Cashew Almond Bliss Balls
healthy vegan smoothie mix 
What did you think of this healthy tropical chia parfait?
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