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The Smartfruit Blog contains recipes and information about our products! This is a place for smoothie mix enthusiasts to share recipes, pictures and articles about the products they enjoy.

Peanut Butter Morning Oats

Peanut Butter Morning Oats

By SmartfruitBlog
 Peanut Butter Morning Oats   Energize your day with this wholesome and very tasty Smartfruit recipe that will keep you full right up until lunch. Loaded with Omega 3 and flaxseed oil Smartfruit Peanut Butter is the perfect topping for your quick oats. Smartfruit products ...
Apple-Peach Cider Recipe

Apple-Peach Cider Recipe

By SmartfruitBlog
 Apple-Peach Cider Recipe   With cooler fall nights just around the corner, here's a delicious hot Smartfruit beverage to snuggle up with and read a good book or watch a movie with your family. What's fun about this recipe, other than the fact you need very few ingredients ...
Autumn Cleanse

Autumn Cleanse

By SmartfruitBlog
 Autumn Cleanse   Autumn is around the corner and cleansing your body is always the smart thing to do, or simply boost your immune system with Smartfruit. Smartfruit is suitable for vegans and GMO free, Smartfruit is a smoothie mix distributor based in New York City. ...
Harvest Reds Cleanser

Harvest Reds Cleanser

By SmartfruitBlog
 Harvest Reds Smoothie Mix Cleanser   keep your immune system un-compromised and on point with Smartfruit Harvest Reds, which contains (Beets, Sweet Purple Potato, Carrots and Ginger). Smartfruit is suitable for vegans and GMO free, Smartfruit is a smoothie mix distributor ...
Harvest Greens Detox

Harvest Greens Detox

By SmartfruitBlog
 Harvest Greens Detox   We are continuing our detox series with this lovely medley. Smartfruit Harvest Greens contains Apple, Kiwi, Spinach, Kale, Cucumber, Lemongrass and Spirulina. Suitable for vegans and GMO free, Smartfruit is a smoothie mix distributor based in New ...

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