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The Smartfruit Blog contains recipes and information about our products! This is a place for smoothie mix enthusiasts to share recipes, pictures and articles about the products they enjoy.

Choosing a Bulk Smoothie Juice Supplier Hero 9(1)

Choosing a Bulk Smoothie Juice Supplier

By Jayne B
Are Bulk Smoothie Juice Suppliers Really Offering a Deal to Restauranteurs? As consumers have become more conscious about what they put in their bodies, restaurants have responded by adding several healthy options to their respective menus. Fruits and vegetables are at the ...
Bulk Smoothie Mix Supplies for Healthy On-the-Go Menu Choices Hero 10

Bulk Smoothie Mix Supplies for Healthy On-the-Go Menu Choices

By Jayne B
Can Bulk Smoothie Mix Supplies Help Restauranteurs Balance Cost with Demand?  The USDA’s recently published Dietary Guidelines for Americans (2015-2020) emphasizes the importance of creating healthy eating patterns to maintain good health and reduce the risk of disease. ...
Healthy Commercial Smoothie Base for Healthy Business Hero 10(4)

Healthy Commercial Smoothie Base for Healthy Business

By Jayne B
Today’s health conscious consumer knows that consuming fruits and veggies is the center of a healthy diet. The health revolution has created a new demographic that is much more aware of the types of foods and drinks that they put into their bodies. While fruit and vegetable consumption ...
Commercial Smoothie Juice Supplier Enables Healthy Menu Options Hero 8(1)

Commercial Smoothie Juice Supplier Enables Healthy Menu Options

By Jayne B
Finding a truly healthy commercial smoothie juice supplier can be a challenge for those seeking to purchase for restaurants, coffee shops and cafés. Once universally regarded as a healthy choice and a source of nutrition, it turns out some commercial fruit juices are just ...
What to Look for in Commercial Smoothie Mix Supplies Hero 6

What to Look for in Commercial Smoothie Mix Supplies

By Jayne B
Not all smoothies are created equal and more customers are seeking to make healthier choices when on-the-go. A note of caution; there may be hidden ingredients in the commercial smoothie mix supplies you are currently purchasing for your restaurant, coffee shop or café. These ...
Looking for a Commercial Smoothie Mix Without Added Sugar Hero 10(1)

Looking for a Commercial Smoothie Mix Without Added Sugar?

By Jayne B
Finding a commercial smoothie mix without added sugar can be the difference between serving a healthy food option or an unhealthy, sugary snack. Added sugars and artificial sweeteners can be difficult for the body to digest properly, which can leave your customers at an increased ...
Finding a Fruit Smoothie Juice for Restaurants Without Added Sugars Lifestyle 1

Finding a Fruit Smoothie Juice for Restaurants Without Added Sugars

By Jayne B
Each day, it is recommended that American adults consume 4-5 cups of fruits and vegetables. Yet, while the benefits of eating more fruits and vegetables are widely known, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention concluded that over 85% of American adults are not eating ...
Fruit Smoothie Mixes Help Restaurants Create Inclusive Menus Lifestyle 1(1)

Fruit Smoothie Mixes Help Restaurants Create Inclusive Menus

By Jayne B
For many restaurant owners, it can be a challenge to meet the growing needs of health conscious consumers. In an effort to cater to the health revolution, more restaurants are offering health food options that are vegan-friendly and gluten-free. Smoothies have become one of the ...

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