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The Smartfruit Blog contains recipes and information about our products! This is a place for smoothie mix enthusiasts to share recipes, pictures and articles about the products they enjoy.

Smart & Nice Cream

Smart & Nice Cream

Smart & Nice Cream

Happy Tuesday everyone! Today, we have this delicious Fruit Mix Smart & Nice Cream recipe we thought you’d all enjoy immensely. For those who are not familiar, our Fruit Mix Smart & Nice cream is frozen bananas blended up into soft serve. Adding Smartfruit to the mix delivers a great flavor, aroma and consistency. We only select the best and freshest raw ingredients for our Fruit Mix Smart & Nice Cream.  Each Fruit Mix Smart & Nice Cream is carefully selected in small batches that contains over fifty strawberries and taste like a cup of summer fun. Finally, we boosted your summer with some natural antioxidant goodness derived from superfruits such as Acai, Goji, Acerola, and maqui berries.


🍶 Preparation:

  1. Place the ingredients in a blender in the order listed. Typically, liquid ingredients should go into the blender first, but we add Smartfruit last, so it doesn’t get stuck to the bottom of the blender. Make sure the pieces of fruit are broken up and not all frozen together.
  2. Blend the ingredients on medium-high until smooth and well-combined.
  3. This can be served right away if you want a soft serve consistency. Otherwise, you can freeze the ice cream

