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Milk-Shake it Off

Edited by Admin
Milk-Shake it Off

  Milk-Shake it Off


Coconut milk is full of calcium and protein, so it鈥檚 only right that we use it as our base in this vegan recipe. Milkshakes are the new phenomenon with everyone taking to Instagram to show off their latest creations. So here is ours, for the base we used 100% all-natural coconut milk, adding coconut ice cream to the mix will give us that rich creamy texture we seek in our milkshakes. For flavor, we have added non-GMO fruit juice with essential nutrients to enhance your beverage with taste and vitamins. For this we have use Smartfruit Summer Strawberry Smoothie Mix and Smartfruit Sunny Banana Smoothie Mix, both of which are loaded with essential fruity all natural goodness.


馃摑 Milkshake Ingredients:

          Coconut Milk

          Coconut Ice Cream

          Smartfruit Sunny Banana

          Smartfruit Summer Strawberry


馃嵍 Milkshake Preparation:

1.      Start by adding Coconut milk into a blender

2.      Add the Coconut Ice cream also and blend

3.      In a small container/cup add some Smartfruit Sunny Banana or Smartfruit Summer Strawberry

4.      Next add the Milkshake mix into the conatainer

5.      Add a straw and Enjoy!

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