Green Goodness Bowl By SmartfruitApril 4, 20180 Back to Home ✻ Green Goodness Bowl Detox Bowls never grow old, at least not on us. So, if you’re a fan of Green Bowls recipes, then look no further. Our 100% Fruit blend Green Goodness Bowl is perfect for you. Every bowl of our 100% Fruit Blend Green Goodness Bowl is a groundbreaking “being healthy never tasted so good” kinda product. Each 100% Fruit Blend Green Goodness Bowl is packed with dark green leafy powerhouses like Kale and Spinach. Then we coupled the greens with Apples, Kiwis, Pineapples, Bananas and Lemongrass for a vibrant interplay of dueling sweet and tart flavors. Lastly, each 100% Fruit Blend Green Goodness Bowl is boosted with spirulina, a superfood heavyweight that acts as a powerful detoxifier rich in chlorophyll, protein, vitamins and fatty acids. The best part about each 100% Fruit blend Green Goodness Bowl is it’s Non-GMO, No added sugar, artificial color or preservatives, fat free and Vegan Friendly. 📝 Ingredients: 1 Small Banana ½ Fresh Avocado 4 oz Coconut Milk 1 cup Crushed Ice 3-4 oz Smartfruit Harvest Greens (Kale, Spinach, Cucumber, Lemongrass, Apple, Kiwi, Spirulina) Toppings: Fresh Kiwi, sliced, Coconut Flakes, Pomegranate Seeds 🍶 Preparation: Blend all ingredients (except toppings) in a blend until smooth and pour into a deep bowl. Add toppings and enjoy. Back to Home #Bowl #Avocado #Kiwi #Coconut #Spirulina #Pomegranate