The Magenta MaidenBy SmartfruitBlogFebruary 25, 2021#Beverage #Cocktail #Gin #BloomingBerry #Dragonfruit #Cointreau ✻ The Magenta Maiden This sultry cocktail is the crème de la crème of nightcaps, it’s bold floral and berry notes infused with lemon and gin make for one amazing drink. You will definitely need to snap a picture or two of this brazen beverage before ...
The Gin CrowdBy SmartfruitBlogFebruary 25, 2021#Beverage #Cocktail #Gin #SuperfruitAllStars #Lime #Pomegranate ✻ The Gin Crowd Looking for sweet and smooth cocktail with notes of tart and hints of peppery herby goodness? Then look no further! This satisfying simple yet oh-so-gorgeous drink is the perfect way to end the day or as a new edition to any brunch menu. It doesn’t have ...
What is the Matcha with YouBy SmartfruitBlogJanuary 7, 2021#Beverage #Cocktail #Gin #Harvest #Greens ✻ What is the Matcha with You This gorgeous green cocktail is infused with a powerhouse of all-natural ingredients that are so good for your body. It is brimming with yummy matcha that not only is high in antioxidants, promotes heart health, and boosts brain function but it ...
Gin ParadiseBy SmartfruitBlogNovember 9, 2020#Beverage #TropicalHarmony #Gin #Cocktail ✻ Gin Paradise Last call and this time make it a tropical paradise in a glass that will transport you to a sultry island with palm trees and a summer-like breeze. Now we know there have only been cooler temps for a short amount of time but who doesn’t like to think ...
Basil Berry LemonadeBy SmartfruitBlogAugust 13, 2020#Beverage #Cocktail #Gin #BloomingBerry ✻ Basil Berry Lemonade Simple and perfectly refreshing is the best way to describe this next cocktail. Made with Smartfruit Blooming Berry smoothie mix, this tantalizing elixir will tickle your taste buds and provide an all-natural boost of superfoods and antioxidants. ...
Spice Spiked Gin PunchBy SmartfruitBlogAugust 13, 2020#Beverage #Cocktail #Pineapple #Gin ✻ Spice Spiked Gin Punch Let’s have another round, shall we. Let’s make this one pack a spicy punch and taste like a vacation in a glass. This punch is overflowing with flavor and filled to the brim with deliciously simple ingredients ...
Scottish BrambleBeeBy SmartfruitMay 22, 2019#Cocktail #Alcohol #Lemon #Gin #Soda #Goji ✻ Scottish BrambleBee Happy Hump day from us here at Smartfruit! Just before Thirsty Thursday is upon us, we’re going to need a delicious Fruit Flavoring Scottish BrambleBee Cocktail to get ready for the weekend. It’s absolutely amazing how much of nature’s ...
The Purple ButterflyBy SmartfruitApril 18, 2019#Tea #Lime #strawberries #Blueberries #Gin #Raspberries ✻ The Purple Butterfly Let’s continue our herbal drinks recipe with a delicious Fruit Flavoring Purple Butterfly Herbal Trio that combines all in one recipe; the wholesomeness and flavor of veggies, herbs flowers and fruit! We prepare each Fruit Flavoring Purple ...
The Rosy HibiscusBy SmartfruitApril 16, 2019#Alcohol #Raspberries #strawberries #soda #Gin ✻ The Rosy Hibiscus Botanicals/Herbal drinks are becoming very popular in recent years and this pretty and refreshing cocktail is no different! Each Cocktail in this series can also be made without alcohol. Let’s start this series off with a delicious Natural ...
Green LanternBy SmartfruitMarch 29, 2019#Cocktail #Alcohol #Gin #Kale #Spinach #Apple #Kiwi ✻ Green Lantern Happy Friday guys! Let’s kickstart your weekend with this delicious Green Lantern Cocktail Mix recipe that’ll be sure to put you in party mood. Our Green Lantern Cocktail Mix is a groundbreaking “being healthy never tasted so good” ...
Green Twist CocktailBy SmartfruitSeptember 28, 2018#Cocktail #Alcohol #Gin #Kiwi #Banana #Pineapple ✻ Green Twist Cocktail Happy Friday everyone! Let’s kick start your weekend mood with a delicious Green Twist Natural Cocktail Mix recipe. Our Green Twist Natural Cocktail Mix is a groundbreaking “being Healthy never tasted so good” kinda product. ...