Leafy Green TuesdaysBy SmartfruitNovember 7, 2017#Smoothie #Green #Kiwi #Lemon #Cantaloupe Leafy Green Tuesdays We’re all no strangers to overeating or over-carbing our bodies, which causes us to go under the weather sometimes. Starting your morning with a Leafy Green Cleansing Smoothie Recipe will not only cleanse your body, but maybe lose a pound ...
Cantaloupe Smoothie MixBy SmartfruitOctober 5, 2017#Smoothie #Yogurt #Cantaloupe #Banana Cantaloupe Smoothie Mix! We all love smoothies, and have had our fair share this past summer. Although we enjoyed all of them, there is one flavor that we can’t get over, Cantaloupe Smoothie Fruit Mix. Each Cantaloupe Smoothie Fruit Mix is made with 100% Juice, ...